Wednesday, 14 December 2016

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C.No. 1485 / BOM / PER / 1000/3 / 2721/896/5/2008 1 6 Apex Consultants, 26772222 98209-89898 26770000 apexapexcon. co m Mr. Yograj Chauhan 26058888/2 6464646 aocapexcon. co m Andheri (W) Mumbai 400 058 2 Ásiapower Overseas Emprego 15 Serviços 204, Bezzola Complexo Comercial, Sion Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071 25230264 (10 Linhas) 98211-24606 42250000 recrutamento em ultramar 000323 / Bom / per / 1000/3/1620 / 84 Mr. Ashok Mehra 25227149 25230264 ABCInternat ional 011Placement j-4, 17, Shivaji Market, 45188900/9 24 Serviços Behind Govt. Boys 60/89 Mr. Ramesh Escola, Rajoria Mansharrama Jardim, Nr. Tagore ni Jardim Mr. Nikhil Mansharrama Metro Station, New ni 4 - Anice Constructions A-1 Tower, 1113,11th 37 Pvt. Ltd andar, 1, D-Mall, Netaji 01127354751/2 / 3 98110-22486 27354754 aniceconsruction rediffmail 1310 / DEL / COM / 1000/3/2419/88 Sr. Jarmail Singh Subhash Lugar, Pitam Pura, NOVA DELHI - 323531640 981130900100971-507340961 simsonanandh otmail 110034 acsgulfjobsyaho O 5 Air Sareena 56 Agência de Viagens Mrs. Mumtaz Amirali Kotadia 26438464 // 9602 98210-16029 26439603 kotadiagroupgm ail 3868 / Mum / Per / 1000/23/4 / / 5678/2001 6 Akbar Viagens da Índia Akbar Bhavan, 6954 Pvt. Ltd 71, Rua Janjikar Sr. KVAbdul Nazar / Sr. KM Nr. Crawford Market, Sukumaran MUMBAI-400 003 23403434/15800 98210-92360 23431144 headofficeakbar 000741 / Bom / Per / 1000 / travels. in 3/475/84 23415799 93248-02145 / 98 trivendrumakbar travels. in 98208-09003 akbartrvbom3.v Snl. net. in 7 Ambe Consultancy Services 55 Pvt. Ltd. AMORE, 6th Floor, 4th 26009200 / Road, Khar 9222 98211-31443 26009444 4624 / Mum / sunilkochharam PER / 1000 / S / 7295 / 2005be 23/8/12 Sr. Sunil Kochar MUMBAI - 400 052 26009200/9 222 / 333 26009222 hiteshambe. PAN-AAFCA3047D 26009333 Ace Emoloyment Services 60 Pvt. Ltd Escritório No.911, Mayuresh Cosmos, Lote No.37 8 27563081/82/83 98210-18270 27563084 aceindiaemploy 3703 / Mum / com / 1000 / mail 3/6036/2002 Sr. Ritesh Jaggi / 37, Sector -11, CBD Sr. Himanshu Belapur, Navi Mumbai 40463434 riteshjaggiemplo ymail PAN NO. AADCA7696Q 400 614 9 Airwing Services 62 Pvt. Ltd. Modelo Town Road, perto de Skylark Hotel 01812224277 / 98153-66800 0181- airwings. services gmail 000768 / PUN / COM / 1000/3/1/250/84 Mr. Ajay Bhatia / Mr. Deepak Bhatia Jallandar City. Punjab 01812230178 98153-55800 2226259 10 Airpac Engenheiros 127 Consultores .2. 125, Centro Comercial Veena Beena 26408148 98338-31216 26408148 a. anil. bhatiagma Mr. Anil K. Bhatia Opp. Bandra Estação Ferroviária, Bandra (W) 9868003211 airpacengineers gmail MUMBAI - 400 050 Apex no Exterior 11 129 Consultants Shop No.1, Bhairvi Apt. Bhardawadi 26798484 98331-02102 26770000 apexapexcon. co m 4233 / MUM / PER / 300/5/6705/2004 Sr. Vijay Chauhan Andheri (W) MUMBAI 400 058 12 6 Consultores Apex Rose Royal Apt. Opp. Shiv Mandir, Nr. Shivsena 26772222 98209-89898 26770000 apexapexcon. co m Mr. Yograj Chauhan Shaka, Gr. Floor, Amboli, Andheri (W) 26058888 MUMBAI - 400 058 26772222 13 Ajith 87 Empresas 11.1st chão, Dr. Subbaraya Nagar, 8th Street 04424722893 9444413939 044- 4213378 ajientbsnl. in, 001898 / MAD / PER / 1000/3/3538/92 Kodambakkam, Nr. Ash Mr. AMSelver ok Nagar Police 044ajan Station 23720551 ajithentgmail. co m CHENNAI - 600 024 A-115, Raikar Chambers, Jain 25555776 14 132 AMOveseas Templo 98201-35590 25555779 Ashok Madan / Govandi (E) MUMBAI - 25555777/2 Vidya 400 068 5555778 mailamoverseas. net 15 Active 82 Consultores 320-321, Complexo Kuber, New Link Road Opp. SAB TV , Andheri (W0 MUMBAI-400053 26740630/3 2/36 98198-90222 3247 / Mum / Per / 1000/3 / hractivehrd. colm 5329/99 Sr. Rajeev Kanjani 98210-75725 16 Al Afzal Manpower 85 Consultores B-847-J1 , Shri Fatima Torre, Shastri Nagar 04952761461 98955-66789 0495- aamc. pvt. itdairte 0315 / ker / per / 1000/5 / lmail. in 8177/2008 Sr. Afzal Tikkody Colony Road, Behind Passport Office, 2546263 99460-00789 2761462 Eranhipalam, CALICUT673008 (KERALA) Air Borne Recrutamento 17 106 Pvt. Ltd. 5, Queens Mansion, 1 º andar, 44 AKNaik 22010438 98200-31656 22010452 airbornevsnl. co m 206 / Bom / Com / 1000/373/84 Mr. NKSingap Marg, Forte, MUMBAI uri 400 001 22010443 sajuairbornebo mbay natuairbornebm bay 9 / 8 - 69, Edifício Naval de Wadi Aarti, Cawasji Patel 18 123 Gestão Rua 22870507 98210-12482 22873265 aartiaartishipma nagment Sra. Anupama Fort, MUMBAI - 400 Prasad Nair 001 19 Loja BSEnterprise No.19, Sector 10 s 42 / B, Estádio de Hóquei 01722624893 98148-42368 2622602 bsenterprises017 3294 / CHD / PER / 1000 / 22yahoo. co. in 35410 Caminho Mr. Bhupendra, Attawa, Singh CHANDIGARH 2668310 098784-72368 2260906 vsnlenterprises0 1722yahoo. co/in 20 Bhardwaj 11 Empresa Escritório No.1, 4th 26610035 Floor, Dheeraj Heritage (5 linhas) 98200-38439 26610040 bhardwajgroupv 00263 / BOM / COM / 1000 / snl. net 3/75 / 84-16 / 5/2015 Parcelamento Mr. OPBhard No.20, SVRoad, Santa waj (W) 98673-41223 26614771 infobhardwajgro acima PAN CARD No. AABPB7092A MUMBAI - 400 054 3 Bhatia Emprego 26 Escritório 21 Edifício Kaiser-I-Hind, 22613906/9 2º andar, Sprott Road 3759 98210-21399 22615966 bebtavsnl 000063 / BOM / PER / 1000/3 / 307/84 Sr. Madan Bhatia Ballard Estate, MUMBAI - 400 038 22615925 9821439991 43409966 skebrightplacem ent mlbhatiarightpla cimento mlbrightplacement Bunny Akash Viagens 36-267, 1st Floor, 57 Tours P. Ltd. Acima Andhra Bank, 04023260006/34 22 93962-28161 23228161 akaashttyahoo. Co. in Sr. G.Eswara Atmayat Nagar, Reddy HYDERABAD-500 029 23260361 98962-28161 23 Bangalore Intl. Placement Primeiro 2 º Andar, Blue Moon Câmaras, 59 Serviços 08041151131 98864-74717 41513141 cmdbipsindia. co. Em 4332 / kar / per / 300/3/6955/2004 Sr. Raju S. Monga 10º Principal, 10º Cruz, 41131319/4 Vasanthnagar, 0088999 ceobipsindia. in BANGALORE - 560 052 24 Parcela No. D-33A, Área Industrial BSO, Fase 017288 Colocações I 2272848/9 098784-72368 0172- overseasbsyah oo 4634 / Pun / Per / 300/5/7309/2005 Sra. Kamaljeet Kaur MOHALLI, PUNJAB 01722260906 2260906 25 Bens 90 Empresas Senum, Jeevan Vikas Marg, Off. Sahar Road, 26844693 98207 -88554 26837127 / bensvsnl 2742 / Bom / Per / 300/3/4552/95 Sr. Jerald Fernandes Vile Parle (E) MUMBAI400 057 26839062 26232451 Benzy Tours Swastik Travels Pvt Chambers, 13, 3rd Floor, 26 137 Ltd. 23403434/15800 98210-92360 headofficeakbar travels. in cmdakbartravels. in (C / o. Akbar Viagens) LTMarg, perto de Carnac Bridge, 23415799 93248-02145 / 98 22696677 trivendrumakbar travels. in KVAbdul Nazar Crawford Mercado, Mumbai-400 003 22608000 98208-09003 Akbartrvbom3.v snl. net. in 39816200 internationalben zytravels. in 27 Continental 17 Holding (Inc) Continental Towers, 39/740, Karikumari 04844144444 (1 0 linhas) 9995550550 0484- recruitmentconti nentalmanpower. c om. 003567 / KER / PER / 1000/3/3704 / 93-27 / 4/2012 SrT. S.Jairaj Cross Road, Ernakulam South, 2375455 jairajcontinental mão-de-obra COCHIN - 682011 2375465 28 Continental Mercantile 18 Corpn. Edifício de Devdut, chão, Opp. Searock 02226516666 98210-20300 26515151 001449 / BOM / chairmancontine PER / 1000/3/26/03 / 89talgroup. net 5/11/2007 chairmancontine ntalmanpower. co m Mr. TSSanjee Hotel, Bandra ( W) van MUMBAI - 400 050 26515555 26414141 29 1016, Torres Dalamal CMOverseas, Nariman 30 Empresas Ponto, Mr. Mohan Bhatia / Sr. Rishi Bhatia MUMBAI - 400 021 22824687/6 061 98210-45913 22871799 cmoebom3.vsnl. 000092 / BOM / PER / 1000 / net. in 305/84 98213-16378 directorcmovers eas. net 30 Chinar Viagens Trades 33-L, Laxmi Industrial 26362424/0 Propriedade, New Link Rd 0808 52 Links 98200-77625 26304949 1758 / BOM / Chinarbom8.vsnl PER / 1000/3/3270/92 19/5/04. Net. in Sr. Abraham Mathew Andheri (W) MUMBAI 400 053 26366098 31 D..S. Sons 85/46, Vadhora 38 Agência de Viagens Road, Bandra (W) Mr. Pappu / Mr. Amirali Kotadia 26438464/9602 98210-16029 26439603 kotadiagroupsg 000271 / BOM / mail PARTE / 1000/3/9/89/84 MUMBAI-400 050 32 708, 7º andar, Stock 44 Dahid Travels Exchange Tower 22721630/31 98210-53920 56369945 dappadhaidtrav els 100115 / BOM / PER / 1000 / 3/895/84 Sr. BNDappa Rua Dalal, MUMBAI / Sr. Al Elango 400 001 97692-02017 22721632 4. Dewan Consultants 79 Pvt. ltd 708, Sagar Tech Plaza, Saki Naka Junction 33 42146700 98200-25333 28512312 sachinjdhotmail. 000278 / Bom / Com / 1000/3/62/1/84 Mr. Sachin Dewan Caminho Andheri Kurla, MUMBAI - 400 072 40788999 sachindeewanc onsultants 34 Deepak Trading 96 Empresa Opp. Canara Banco, Ponte Vakola, Santacruz 26686199 26680752 cardeirofrancisy ahoo 002356 / BOM / PER / 1000/3923/94 Mr. Deepak Menezes / Sr. East, MUMBAI - 400 Chandran 053 Loja No.3, Shree Dipti Viagens Sadguru Saibaba CHS 35 121 Tours 26665827 98201-80585 26680752 3292 / clifford. diptitravels MUM / 400/05/05/00/00/00/2/3/4/5 gmail 431/2000 Mr. Clifford Menzes Opp. Canara Bank, Vakola, Santacruz (E) manikbom2.vsnl. net. in MUMBAI - 400 055 cliffordmaniktrav els infomaniktravels 36 Ebenzer 80 Empresas 33 - L, Laxmi Industrial Estate, Novo Link Rd 26300808 98200-77625 26304949 infochinartravels 3798 / MUM / PER / 1000/21/2/6184/2003 Sr. KMMathe Andheri (W) MUMBAI 400 053 26366098 w 37 Evershine 2-A Bezzola Colocação Commercial 83 Exports P. Ltd. Complexo, S. T.Road Suman Nagar, Chembur, MUMBAIMr. Mohd. Zulti 400 071 25242577/38447 98921-55813 25238449 evershinegmail. Com 4267 / MUM / COM / 1000/5/6896/2004 25238448 38 5 Falcon Services 10, Valmiki, próximo a Bombay College de 26670756/852 98201-37791 26670851 feedbackfalcons 000168 / BOM / PER / ervices. in 1000/194/2 - 8/5/2008 Farmácia, Kalina, Sr. MGNatha Santacruz (E) MUMBAIn 98 26671056 mgnfalconservic es. in PAN - AAAPN4987D CST Estrada, Sunder Nagar, Santacruz (E) mumbaifalcon. in 39 8 G. Gheewala Consultores Manpower Sr. Gulamali Gheewala / Mr. Farook 202-A, Mercado de Bombaim, 2º andar, Tardeo Rd. 66665353 (30 linhas) 98200-06869 66665363 hrsolutionsgghe ewala 000353 / BOM / PER / 1000/3/927/842/9/2029 MUMBAI - 400 034 66665310 - Dir (3 linhas) mfgggheewala. c om Mohd. Arif. GG heewala 98210- 13786 40 Genesis 68/9, Tarun Bharat Sociedade de Gestão (Sunshine 58 Consultants Co. Op. 65288917 98676-13936 28371474 Bgenesismc1gma 0081 / MUM / PER / 100043 il / 4/6715/2004 Sociedade de Phillip B. Timmins) Chakala, Andh Eri (E) MUMBAI-99 65048323 PAN NO. ACCPT - 97150 Global 41 101 Colocação 218, Amrutha Ville, Raj Bhavan, Estrada, 04023314054 986600-3388 04023321065 globalplacementsh ydgmail Somajiguda, HYDERA Mr. N.Sriniwas BAD-500 082 04023308015 42 7 Harison Serviços Satguru Shopping Center, Apartamento No.2, 1 º andar 26054778/4834 98200-94997 26054457 harison3vsnl. co 0002898 / MUM / PER / 1000 m 3/4744 / 96-24 / 3/2039 Sr. Anil Makhija Khar West, MUMBAI 400 052 26054778 harison3gmail. c om 43 Harman 12 Viagens 201, Vinayak Chambers, 2º andar, 4ª Estrada 26008485 982000-1390 26000075 3556 / MUM / PER / 1000/2/3 otmail / 5803 / 2002-15 / 2/2008 Sr. Manoj H. Alreja Khar (W) MUMBAI 400 052 26001818/1919 hrharmanplace ment manojalrejahot mail 5 B-0454 / hrdpulsegmail. c MUM / PART / 300/5/8497 / om 2009 205, 2º andar, Mewad 25001481/82 44 125 HRDynamics Estate, Patanwala Sr. Sanjay Sohanlal Monga 9892189380 25001488 Composto, LBS Marg, MUMBAI - 400 086 98925-42763 recruithrdworld. i PAN NO. AAFFH1825f n AJFPM0524P H. S.Enterpris Ludhiana 45 140 es 01614642261 9815106480 Sr. Bhupendra Singh 46 3 Indo Overseas 12, Nanik Motwani (Sales) Corpn. Marg, próximo a Jaico 22674473 98203-03400 22673929 bhatiabom5.vsnl. net. in 000424 / BOM / PER / 1000 / 3/571/847/3/2030 Mr. Manohar Bhatia / Opp. Chicago rádio, fonte, MUMBAI-23 22670258 47 Indman 49 Consultores Plot No.8, Shah Industrial Estate, Off Veera 26747165/70 98205-07070 26731878 indmanindman. c 3173 / MUM / PER / 1000 / om 3/5268/99 Sr. Raju Sud Desai Rd, Canal Opp. ETC , Andheri (W) MUMBAI - 400 053 41 / 2073C, Kalabhavan Road, Ernakulam 48 International 76 Associates 04842363626 / 98460-36363 0484 - 3692 / KER / PERT / 300 / intaasgmail 2/3/4/5943/202 Mr. Somesekh North , KOCHI - 682 aran 018 3100231/23 69019 94470-36363 2364673 49 International Trading 78 Corporation A-604, Royal Sands, Junto à Fama Adlab 26302111 98211-31270 26302366 itcinrediffmail. co m 3174 / MUM / PER / 300 Mr. Haresh R. Udeshi New Road Andheri Link, Andheri (W) 26310780 udeshiitcgmail. c om MUMBAI - 400 058 167, 3-B, Sarai 50 135 IBOverseas Jullena, Okhla Road, 01126320777 93129-70777 26310555 nusrataliSyaho A-0358 / DEL / PER / 300 / 4o 2/2/7637/2006 Sr. Nusrat Ali NOVA DELHI - 110 025 iboverseasgmail International 502, Sunshine Bldg Gestão No. T-39, Shastri Nagar 51 136 Recursos Sr. Maxie Jesus Valento Andheri (Oeste) Kari MUMBAI - 400 058 26367057 98677-27345 26367056 imrvsnl. net 4457 / MUM / PER / 1000/4314/6885/2004 65740946 imrmtnl. net. in 52 4 Jai Shakti Serviços de Emprego Bldg. No.177, Sector 55, Main Road, Paisora ​​01722690145 98140- 63888 0172- jaishaktiyahoo. c 3003 / CHD / PER / 1000/48 o. in 80 / 97-3 / 11/2011 Sr. JSRana CAHANDIGARH - 160 051 2691738 2690809 jaishaktichdyah oo. co. in jaishaktihotmail. Com 21, Anant Dhara, Next Joncia Marine para Raymond Showroom de Serviços 002609 / GOA / PER / 1000/3/437/3 / 95-30 / 5/2012 53 9 08322737738 98221-80871 2733218 jonciajonciamari ne Pajifond, Margao, Mr. John Dias GOA 2737756 2737131 54 JMMehta 28 Empresa 36, ​​Oasis, Nehro Road, Vakola, Nr. New 26655678/4785 98200-64901 26654455 574 / BOM / jmmehtavsnl. net PARTE / 1000/3/643/84 Municipal Mr. JMMehta Mercado , Santacruz (M) Asha Mehta UMBAI-55 55 Joy Enterprises Shop No.1, Afroz Apt, Bhardawadi Road, 26238606 / 98202-88392 26772977 reenabom5.vsnl. net. in 001817 / BOM / PER / 24/3236/92 / 4/2/04 Sra. Sheila Baby Amboli, Andheri (W) MUMBAI - 400 058 26773970 26773356 6 Jasper 56 122 Internatinal A-1, Jay Chambers, Serviço Road, Westrn 26103030 26102565 jasperbom3.vsnl A0064 / MUM / PART / 1000. Net. in / 05/7938/2007 (Novo) Mr. NRPrasa Express Highway, Vile d Parle (W) MUMBAI 400 057 57 136/2 (Novo No.76) Keerthi Tours Habibullah 22 Viagens Road, T. Nagar 04428343660 / 1/2 98400-78780 28342666 krithitravelgmail. COM MAD / PER / 300/23/4/3464/92 Sr. Kirtivasan CHENNAI - 600 017 58 Kaumudi Manpower 74 Consultores Loja No.8, Complexo de Kaumudi, Térreo Mr. Poshaiah Perto de Murali Templo de Krishna, Armoor Road Kanteshwar, NIZAMBAD - 503 002 AP 93237-89584 59 Kareer 405 / B, Vertex Vikas, Krafters Índia MVRoad, Opp. Railwa 26842728/75 Pvt. Ltd y 2210 98202-44263 26831997 kareerkraftersvs nl. net Estação Mr. Vipul, Andheri (E) Mehta / Savita MUMBAI - 400 069 98202-26230 Kamaxi Overseas 60 134 Consultores Casa Sambari, Old Station Road 08322731994/97 98600-81994 B-0085 / parikshitkamaxi. GOA / PARTE / 1000/434/6 com 773/2004 Sr. Parikshit Margao, GOA - 403 Pai Fondekar 601 61 Khwaja 91 Internacional Sikariya Chourasta, Fathepur Sekhawati, 98290-86034 khwajainternation alyahoo. co. in Sr. Sikander Asgar Khan Dist. SIKAR, RAJASTHAN 62 Mestre Manpower 13 Corporação 28-A, Asa, 1º Andar, Sanjeeviah CHSSoc. 04027844025 / 98480-51600 040 - mmcindiayaho o 002944 / AP / PER / 1000/3/4776/9610/8/2011 Em Templo Rock Mr. Suryanara Enclave, Atrás de yan Guballa Hotel Golden Point Mr. GSKumar Tarbund, SECONDER - Director ABAD -09 27896357 99480-51600 27844658 mailmasterpowe r PAN NO. AOGPG0545A 28732585 (Mumbai) 98855-07710 mmcindiain. co m 63 Millenium Manpower 25 Consultores J-21, Jardim Rajouri, Perto de Shakti Mandir 01125256657 011-3274 / DEL / PERP300 / 3/5443/2000 Mrs. Madhu Mansharaman Mercado Principal, NOVO i DELHI - 110 120 25934193 25156630 64 MRConsulta 70, Poombuhar Nagar 31 nts Ext. Opp. Aras Auto, 0452 4390008 98421-53789 0452- 3209 / manianmuthuya TN / PER / 1000/300/3/531 hoo 7/99 Mr. S.Muthura Uthankudi, Meiur Principal 2585575/43 homem Estrada, 90008 9840770008 2587979 65 Sai Baba Edifício, Opp. Canara 61 Manik Travels Bank, Vakola Ponte, Santacruz (Leste) MUMBAI 400055 26686098 98201-80585 56960208 000437 / manikbom2.vsnl BOM / ER / 1000/3/35/0 /.net. in 84 Mr. Clifford Menezes 26686199 98202-26650 cliffordmaniktrav els (Devidas) 0172SCO-188-190, Sector - 34-A, 5002106 / CHANDIGARH 07 infomaniktravels 66 Mudra 64 Associates 98156- 88635 01725003104 mudra555sify. co 4062 / CMD / PER / 1000/3/6 m 574/2004 Sr. Rajiv Suri 4647854 ..7 67 Maruti Consultoria 72 Serviços. Sr. Ashok Mohandas Chhabria Loja No.5, Tolaram, Smruti C. H.S. Ltd. 25537221/224 98200-45012 maruticonsulth 3603 / MUM / PER / 300/23 / otmail 4/5939/2002 Colónia Chembur, MUMBAI - 400 074 55751653 68 M / S. Midland Dr. DNRoad, Crawford 23432774 / Mercado de Gestão, Opp. CID 23439254 98200-81995 23443099 midlandbom3.vs nl. net. in Escritório Mr. Surinder, MUMBAI - 400 001 23432362 midlandmtnl. net. Em 69 M / s. Manavath Travels Trade Links Ltd. 12, Estrada Bardawadi, Andheri (W) MUMBAI-58 6676939 / .2 6773970 98202-88392 26773356 manavathtravels hotmail Mr. Joy Manavath 66756909 98720-556228 manavathtravels gmail 70 Consultor de Viagens Estrangeiras Malhotra No.1936, Sector-22-B, CHANDIGARH 01722701713 098141-02526 01722709071 malhotraftgmail. Com 2627 / CHD / 1000/3/4385/95 Sr. Dilip Malhotra 01722711646 71 Emprego no estrangeiro 45 Bureau 546, Dheeraj Heritage, S. V.Road, Sa 32945416/7 ntacruz (W) / 8 98200-55614 55955099 pareshoebindia. 2951 / MUM / com PART / 1000/3/4874/97 Sr. Kamal Madan MUMBAI - 400 054 26604746 2600610 Ohm Forex 72 126 Services Ltd. Divisão de Colocação no Exterior 01725063092/93 9872632670 nikhilsarafohm. n et. in B-0466 / PUN / COM / 300/5/8467/2009 Sr. Nikhil Saraf / D - 178, Fase VIII-B, Sr. Neeraj Puri IFP Mohali, PUNJAB 73 Grupo de Planejadores 20 Internacional Sr. Abdul Khayoom, Câmara Municipal, PB3038, Ernakulam North 04842360526 9847040356 0484- planersairtelmail. in 000937 / KER / PER / 1000/3/175/3/84 COCHIN - 682-018 2360256/23 6 5992 2370459/841 planerssatyam. n 61 et. in 74 Shop No.2, Shree Shiv 47 Pavan viaja Darshan CHSLtd 28141532 31025769 28145023 4121 / MUM / PER / 300/23/4/6500/2004 Sr. Ramayan Chauhan Narmada Nagar, Estrada da cabine X, Bhayander (E) Dist. THANE - 401 105 Puran Overseas Emprego 75 128 Bureau C-1, Estrada Principal, Sunder Nagar, 01821226501 98142-75409 poebhotmail. co m NAKODAR - 144040, Rashpal Singh Dist. Jallandhar-UP / 76 Protech Engenharia Indústrias 66 Pvt. Ltd. 123- B, Mittal Tower, Nariman Point, 22825239/45088 98201-23408 22873291 protechenggvsnl Mr. NNMehra / Mr. Vishal Mehra MUMBAI - 400 021 98200-00738 22824861 protech2006gm ail protechbom3.vs nl. net. in RNIndia Placement Services 67 Pvt. Ltd. 77 Metro Palace, Suite 04845D, Opp. North Railway 32009848 98208-00130 lalitrnindia 4436 / KER / COM / 300/05/6719/2004 Sr. Lalit Cheerian / Sr. Ir 614, B Wing, Kanara fã Centro de negócios, 32009848 7738298003 MUMBAI - 400 075 78 RKInternatio 605, Torre Hemkunt, 71 nal 6 Rajinder Place, 01125715533 98100-55533 25755333 rkindb. vsnl. net. in 3907 / DEL / PARTE / 1000/3/6414/2003 Mr. Kamaljit Khosla NEW DELHI 01125725533 rkbbol. net. in .8 Loja No.147 - 148, Golden Park Comercial rathiinternationalyah 4576 / MAH / PER / 300/5 / oo. co. in 7018/2005 79 Rathi 81 Internacional 02502338076 93245-06860 2340934 Mr. Bhanu Prakash Rathi THANE - 202 80 Raj Tours Viagens Manpower 84 Serviços Mahala Bhawan, Opp. Roadways Bus Stand 94146-64229 01572- rajtourrediffmail. 4726 / Raj / Per / 300/5/521 / com 2006 Mr. Mohan Mahala Antes do Hospital Yogesh, Devipura, 98291-52259 253749 SIKAR - 332001 RAJASTHAN M / s. Reliance Manpower 42, Waroda Road, Bandra (W) 81 131 serviços Mr. Rishi Sood / Krishan Sood / Melwin Sequira MUMBAI - 400 050 26400314 98201-38824 26513962 reliancemanpower 2009gmail reliancemanpower servicesgmail. c om 26400315 98200-10758 26513962 82 2 Ruby Management Sai Prasad Serviços Commplex, groun P. Ltd. D piso, 26005050 9820545454 26005151 rmspl2007vsnl. n e Mr. Vasu Chhabria 4th Road, Khar (W) MUMBAI-400 052 M / s. Ruhani 83 139 Empresas T / 3/1 / World Trade Center, Desfile Cuffe 22181266 98200-20500 22185100 000459 / BOM / PART / 1000 ruhanivsnl / 3/1010/84 Sr. Sultan Ruhani MUMBAI - 400 005 22182266 84 Sinclus Marketing Services 14 Pvt. Ltd. Shalenndra Nigam 41 48, Navketan Ind. Estate, cavernas de Mahakali 26874709 98201-82634 26875153 shailisinclus. co m 001725 / BOM / PER / 1000/3/3075/91 Estrada, Andheri (E) MUMBAI - 400 093 40364709 85 75, Swapnalok Sharp Complexo Humano, 1º 16 Resources Floor, SDRoad 04027818829 98490-20443 040- sharphrd2gmail. 001722 / AP / PER / 300/3 / com 2877 / 91-16 / 3/2012 Sr. Mohd. Moh atesha SECUNDERABAD Maddiu 500 003 27848577/532 98480-12036 27897029 66313922 27848578 86 2º Andar, Kaisar-IHind Bldg, Sprott 21 Shubh Laksh Road 2261188823675556 98200-75552 22611555 shubhlakshgmai l 2862 / MUM / PER / 300/3/4679/9/6 Sr. Prem Bhatia Ballard Estate, MUMBAI - 400 038 22630555/2 3683187 98200-56705 shubhlakshrediff correio 87 Sai Krishna Emprego 27 Escritório 2º andar, Suite No.202, Kaisar-I-Hind Bldg. 22613906 98214-39991 22615966 000062 / mlbrightplaceme BOM / PER / 1000/3/67 / nt 84 M. Mukesh Bhatia Sprott Road, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 22 383 6752 43409999 EXT.12 43409966 skebrightplacem ent PAN NO. AACPB-6442K 43409999 Sooriya Viagens 32 Tours 88 No.7, Reddy Street, Nerkundrum 04424797776/9 94440-17844 26214662 sooriyatravelsg mail 2934 / CHENNAI / PER / 300/3/4/904/97 Sr. VTNaraya nswamy CHENNAI - 107 98410 -89262 89 Suhail Enterprises Manpower 36 Consultores MAS Tower, Perto de Sub Jain, TRIVENDRUM-9 04712571970/71 9846021786 2571975 3389 / suhailenterprises Suhailmanpower Gmail Office No.22 / 23, Térreo, Ostwal Ornamentado BWing, Bldg. No.1, Ostwa l Ornamentado, Nr. Central 90 Satyam 39 Internacional 28161526 9453454600 28178403 satyam. internation al8gmail 002990 / MUM / 300/3 / 4623/96 94153-69807 28161526 Banco , Jesal Park, Bhayander (E) Th ane-401105 9 Skyline Consultoria 46 Serviços 91 Apartamento No.402, Fair View Plaza, 4º andar, 04027603860 98490-37527 27670120 jvlateefyahoo. c om 3322 / AP / PER / 1000/5466/2000 M. Mohamme D. No.3-6-386, d Javed Latif Himayatnagar, 55989373 27670160 HYDERABAD - 500 029 92 Shreenath 51 Associados 4, Daulat Nagar, 55, Nehru Road, Santacruz 26129417 93222-12963 26114360 sreeedityahoo. c om 210 / BOM / PART / 1000/3/248/198/4 Sr. Arvind Vakil East, MUMBAI - 400 055 26154211 98205-21168 93 SMConsulta Sivagangai Para Mehur 73 nts Road, 1029 / E, Edayamelur (correio), Sivagangai Taluka Sr. P. Nathan Dist 04575253260 098424-86996 Pin-630 561 - Tamil Nadu 94 Consultoria Inteligente 92 Serviços Golwala Bldg, Porão, Nehru Road Opp. Vihar Hotel, Santacruz Mumbai-400 055 26101657 98210-43827 26116257 smartvsnl 1797 / BOM / PER / 1000 / 3/3271/92 Sr. Jitendra Modi 26146673 26135840 95 Sai Biz 89 Associados 612, B-8, Torres GDITL, Nethaji Subhash 01142474752 98101-00420 27353260 saibizhotmail. co m Mr. Rajesh Palácio Lalwani, Pitampura, DELHI - 110 034 42470432 / 4 7059595 infosaibiz 96 Skyline 94 Internacional 1º Andar, Venus Chambers, Kannantha odath 04842377731/32 94470-77732 2377734 skylink5000hot 4866 / KER / PER / 300/41/4/7758/2006 Mr. YPBaiju KOCHI - 682 016 98 SM Viagens 99 Links Comerciais 5/660, Primeiro Andar, Edifício Memorial Bafaki 9322228655 2718 / KER / PER / 300/2/3/4/4009/95 Senhor Varghe Eranhipalam, se CALICUT - 673 006 Sai Krishna 99 109 Travel Plot No .1357, andar térreo, Ward No.9 094140-37501 saikrishnatskrya 3992 / RAJ / PER / 300/3 / hoo 6424/2003 Amli Road, perto de Gulab Devi Girsi Mr. S.Agarwal Escola, sagar1969yah oo Mr. Sagar Choudhary SIKAR, RAJASTHAN M / s. Skyline Índia Recruit. p 401, Deccan, 257, SVRoad, Bandra (W) 100 133 vt. ltd. 26558076/26433127 98210-54655 26514750 elevatorsindiare 002706 / BOM / 100/234/43 cruit 26/95 Sr. Ramesh Chhabria MUMBAI - 400 050 26410877 Sr. Ravindra Chhabria Skyward 101 138 Consultoria D-101, Twin Arcade, 1º Andar, Estrada Militar 29202161/62 098206-7727 29208027 skywardindiaya 4568 / MUM / PARTE / 1000/5 / hoo 7129/2005 Mr. Macklon B Marol, Andheri DMello (E), MUMBAI-400 059 Trinity Air 2, Golden Arrow Travels Apt., Kalina, 102 23 Tours Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Baby John MUMBAI - 400 029 26666242 10 103 1 Varsha Consultoria 102/103, Prédio Sai Prasad, rés-do-chão 26002020 (+352) 98198-787878 26001111 varshacovsnl. co 728 / BOM / COM / 1000/3 / m 252/84 06/08/2030 Sr. Deepak Chhabria 4ª Estrada, Khar (W) MUMBAI - 400 052 26461324 Venus 104 124 Empresas GF-8, Alankar Tower, perto da polícia de Sayajigunj 02652226365 9998008618 02652226365 venusenterprise3 B0251 / GUJ / PART / 300/5 / 3yahoo 8129/2008 Sr. Sanjay Bhatt Sayajigung, BARODA 390 005 Vira 105 29 Internacional 404-C, Twin Arcade, Militry Road, Marol 40567777 100) 98210-11821 29207088 alivirainternation al 1611 / BOM / COM / 1000/2812/9/0 Sr. Alijan. S.Rajan Andheri (E) MUMBAI 400 059 29200000 (10 linhas) 40567786 - Dir. 106 130 Vitro Viagens Mr. Navin Chandra Mehta 323-Loha Bhavan, P. DMello Road, Nr. Masjid 23488665/094 93222-64252 23486890 infovitrotravel. co m 000049 / BOM / PER / 10003/23/84 Estação (leste) Masjid, MUMBAI-400 009 9819588244 (Harsh) harshhmyahoo. 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